home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday November 2, 2001 - Page 22 of 37 - << previous page : next page >>
The new building backstage is going to be good size. Wonder what they will do to make it blend in. Hopefully something interesting.
The new building backstage is going to be good size. Wonder what they will do to make it blend in. Hopefully something interesting. 11.02.01
Here you can really get a feel for its size.
Here you can really get a feel for its size. 11.02.01
One more shot of it. The rumor is it will house the parade(DEP) and Luminaria equipment, and it is in the right location to do both.
One more shot of it. The rumor is it will house the parade(DEP) and Luminaria equipment, and it is in the right location to do both. 11.02.01